Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random thoughts 3

It's really very difficult to be nice when you dislike him. And he was not very nice to me either. I really really did try to be Ms Nice! Be it I like it or not, I'd triggered another volcanoe eruption. Obviously not done on deliberate, my witness can vouch for me. I'm back to being Ms Super Duper Nice. What more can i say, I'm dealing with a Mr Petty. Sigh...

Sometimes when I think back, I felt I had made the wrong decision. If I didn't reject him many years ago, we would be happy together. But there were times when I told myself that Yes! we are not meant to be together. Whatever. I can't change a single thing now.

There are days I feel lost. Not wanting to meet anybody. Not wanting to do anything. Not wanting to talk. And best of it all, not knowing what to do.

I'm gonna run in the rain later.


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